Join a Study Group

We have opportunities to help you get connected, not only to each other, but also to God's Word.  Here's what we will be studying this season:
MONDAY NIGHT | The Anxious Generation Book Study
Starting June 3rd

There is no denying that we live in an anxious time.  Rates of depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicide rose sharply, more than doubling on many measures. Join this book study to learn and discuss the root causes and just as importantly, what are some things we can do at our stations in life to help our generation. Jonathan Haidt describes steps that parents, teachers, schools, tech companies, and governments can take to end the epidemic of mental illness and restore a more humane childhood.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT | Cave Time Men's Group
On-going Group

Supporting and equipping men to be spiritual leaders for their families, church, work, and community.  CaveTime Men’s Group Meets Wednesday evenings at Hope, 6-8:00pm. 
Grow On The Go l  Colossians Study
Available on the Hope Church App l June 2nd

Grow On The Go this Summer! Take a journey through Colossians with fellow Hoper, Robert Lackie. This is a 5-part video study that you can access on the Hope App and run through at your own pace. Enjoy exploring on your own or invite a friend to join you. Go deeper each week with provided study questions and feel free to reach out directly to Robert as you explore this book of the Bible.

Contact Robert: [email protected]